Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall of Fujimori - documentary

The fall of Fujimori is a documentary about how Fujimori a child of Japanese immigrants became president of Peru and how he governed with an iron hand on terrorism. His greatest accomplice Monseto one day releases tapes of himself bribing fellow congress men and disappears. This brings about the fall of Fujimori. Quite an interesting documentary about the perils of high offices.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The glass house - documentary film (persian)

The documentary "The glass house" is about a unique help center called the Omid e Mehr for girls living in abusive households. Some girls who go for career training at this center make it and others do not. But it is a beacon of hope for these girls who have no one else to turn to. Makes you want to start centers like this because it does make a big difference. In societies where women are repressed with violence, children invariably suffer. It is women that protect children and men behave better when they have respect for women. A society that degrades women soon falls to pieces. I am convinced that fundamentalism has been bad for Persia after watching this documentary.